Vape Train - AU

Wonder Flavours is a Canadian flavouring company out of Montreal, Quebec. They are a top worldwide brand with over 100 flavours, as well as many custom flavours created for businesses wanting their own unique flavours. Wonder Flavours provide flavouring to thousands of businesses, with customers in over 50 countries spanning 6 continents. Wonder Flavours delivers a variety of super concentrated flavours, flavours ranging from Buttercream Frosting and Croissant to Black Cherry Jelly Bean. Wonder Flavours are passionate about creating savoury, food grade flavours.

Flavours are manufactured in an ISO certified laboratory. They are stored in hermetically sealed containers. These containers are stocked in a clean room for bottling. The clean room is equipped with a positive pressure ventilation and HEPA filtration system. All flavours are tagged as TPD-Ready, and have been tested they do not contain any; diacetyl, acetaldehyde, acetoin, acetyl propionyl, furfural.

There are 18 products.

Showing 1-18 of 18 item(s)

Jam It (Vape Train)

Jam it is a universal flavour that is intended to create the effect of a jam cooked fruit or nut.

Love (Vape Train)

LOVE is a comples combination of creamy milk and white chocolate undertones